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4 Excellent Reasons to Consider Divorce Mediation Services

The picture that most of us have in our mind when we think of divorce is a sort of knock-down, drag-out fight between spouses. Thanks to divorce mediation services, however, divorce doesn’t have to be as painful as we might imagine. Unlike traditional divorce, mediation takes a non-adversarial approach and aims to keep both parties as happy as possible.

During mediation, a trained mediator will guide you and your spouse through the process of dividing assets, making decisions regarding childcare, and everything else that divorce entails while limiting the opportunity for antagonism. Curious about what else mediation has to offer? Here are four more reasons to consider divorce mediation services.

It Costs Less than Traditional Divorce

Divorce can be expensive when your case goes to court. With mediation, instead of paying for separate lawyers, you and your spouse will sit down with your mediator and discuss the specifics of your case. Fighting to gain control of more assets or property or to seek full custody of the kids through litigation can drag out an already lengthy process, which means you could be paying more for your divorce as the case moves forward.

It Lets You Retain Control

When you take your divorce case to court, the judge has the final say. Regardless of what you and your attorney present to the court, the ruling might not be in your favor. Coming to the bargaining table with your spouse and your mediator gives you more of a say in what the outcome will be.

It Typically Takes Less Time

The average uncontested divorce takes three months to complete. For contested divorce, the timetable is even longer—at least a year. Divorce mediation services allow you to speed the process up a little. On average, mediation will take you through the process in as little as one to two months.

It Will Be Less Traumatic for Your Children

If you are a parent who is going through a divorce, your top priority is probably your children. In the video below, I touch on a few different ways to make divorce easier on children.

Divorce mediation addresses two of the points that I make which I’ve learned can make divorce less traumatic for children: keeping things civil between you and your spouse and a speedy resolution. When you choose divorce mediation services over litigation, it is easier to keep tempers in check, not only when you are discussing your case in a mediation session but at home, too. Mediation is a collaborative process, which means that fighting and arguing is counterproductive for both you and your spouse. Furthermore, as I pointed out above, mediation offers a quick resolution to your divorce, which means you and your children will be able to move on with your lives sooner rather than later.

Ask about Our Divorce Mediation Services

As a Florida Supreme Court Family Law Mediator, I know how to help divorcing spouses come to an agreement. If you think divorce mediation is right for your situation, don’t hesitate to contact me today so that we can see if we are a good match to work together.

About the Author: Helena Y. Farber is an attorney in Aventura, Florida, whose practice is concentrated in the areas of divorce and family law. She can be reached at (305) 520-9205 or via email at hyf@farberlawpa.com.

Disclaimer: The attorney makes this Blog available for educational purposes only as well as to give you general information and a general understanding of the law, not to provide specific legal advice. By using this blog site, you understand that there is no attorney-client relationship between you and the Blog. The Blog should not be used as a substitute for competent legal advice from a licensed professional attorney in your state.

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